Jul 27, 2009

baby M.....

here is baby M, belonging to the beautiful girl in the post below! I absolutely LOVED taking these pictures. I never realized how much I would enjoy taking newborn photo's until I got a chance to do these last two. What I also realized with this shoot is....I have A LOT to learn about newborn photography, plain and simple. I am just so thankful for such great friends that keep having these beautiful babies and letting me practice!!


Jul 26, 2009

baby bump.....

I had the honor of capturing a very good friends baby belly just a day before she had her 8lbs bundle of joy!!





May 27, 2009

k&d * Prom.....

I had a great time taking these before prom pictures, hope you guys enjoy! The rest will be done soon.....



May 22, 2009

First newborn...Miss. R

I had the wonderful opportunity to go visit a very dear Friend that just had her fourth baby, so of course I had the take that opportunity to take my first newborn photos, and I LOVED it! It sure helped that she was practically PERFECT!! I can't wait until I get to do a newborn session again!
Here is one to look at until the rest are finished....

Feb 9, 2009

Jan 29, 2009

Sneak Peeks......

Coming soon............